Some items in MBM can be controlled via messages
To send a message you need to get the handle of MBM5 and then post the message to this handle:
var MBM5Handle : THandle; begin MBM5Handle:=FindWindow('TMBM', Nil); PostMessage(MBM5Handle,WM_YOURMESSAGE,0,0); end;
The messages you can use are shown below, please note that WM_USER stands for $0400 which is 1024
WM_WRITELH | WM_USER + 406 | This has the same effect as pressing the save button on the high/low tab |
WM_OPENSETTINGS | WM_USER + 407 | This will open the settings window |
WM_OPENDASHBOARD | WM_USER + 408 | This will open the dashboard |
WM_OPENHELP | WM_USER + 410 | This will open the help file |
WM_CLOSEMBM | WM_USER + 499 | This will close MBM in a correct way |
WM_CLOSEOSD | WM_USER + 500 | This will close the OSD if it's open |
WM_OPENOSD | WM_USER + 501 | This will open the OSD if it's closed |
WM_DUMPISA | WM_USER + 502 | This will make MBM do a ISA dump and store it in mbm\dump\isa.txt |
WM_DUMPSMB | WM_USER + 503 | This will make MBM do a SMB dump and store it in mbm\dump\smb.txt |
WM_DUMPPCI | WM_USER + 504 | This will make MBM do a PCI dump and store it in mbm\dump\pci.txt |
WM_DUMPVIA | WM_USER + 508 | This will make MBM do a VIA dump and store it in mbm\dump\via.txt |
WM_PAUSE | WM_USER+510 | This will Pause MBM |
WM_RESUME | WM_USER+511 | This will Resume MBM |
WM_BUILDMBMICON | WM_USER+512 | This will make MBM rebuild icon 1 (black MBM icon or the 1st temp sensor) |